
Hello, I'm Ersin AYDIN. I'm a JR. Front-end Developer with 1 years of experience. I enjoy building sites & apps. My focus is React (Next.js).

About me

After graduating with a degree in Engineering, I decided to pursue my passion for programming. I enrolled in a coding bootcamp and learned front-end web development. My favorite part of programming is the problem-solving aspect. I love the feeling of finally figuring out a solution to a problem. My core stack is React, Next.js, Node.js, and TailwindCSS. I am always looking to learn new technologies. I am currently looking for a full-time position as a software developer.

When I'm not coding, I enjoy playing video games, watching movies, and playing with my cat. His name is lokum. Lokum means "delight" in Turkish. I also enjoy learning new things. I am currently learning about history and philosophy. I'm also learning how to play the guitar.

My Projects

Rest Countries App

In this project, i use ReactJS and Tailwind CSS. I use Rest Countries API to get data.

  • React
  • Next.js
  • API
  • Tailwind

E-Commerce App

This project is a Frontend Mentor challenge. I use ReactJS and Tailwind CSS. Also in this project, i improve my skills at responsive design.

  • React
  • Next.js
  • Responsive
  • Tailwind


Getir is the largest ordering compaies in Turkey. I re-create Getir's home page in this project. This is the first project that i use TailwindCSS.

  • React
  • Next.js
  • Tailwind

Multi-Step Form

React Hooks like useState, useEffect; i learned them in this project. Also i use Styled Components.

  • React
  • React-Hooks
  • Next.js
  • Tailwind

Netfilms App

This is my biggest and fullest application. I use NextJS in this project and i learned so many this about NextJS. I understand NextJS routing system in this project. By the way this is not my app, i re-create this app.

  • React
  • React-Hooks
  • Next.js
  • Styled-Components
  • Responsive

My skills

My experience

Contact me

Please contact me directly at example@gmail.com or through this form.